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和歌山県立医科大学 麻酔科学教室



2023年 米国麻酔学会に参加しています。コロナ禍が過ぎての初めての海外学会参加となりました。若手の先生が多数参加しております。皆にとって良い刺激になっています!

1. OgawaS, et al. Establishment of a method for measuring the plasma concentration of remimazolam and its changes associated with the Pringle maneuver during hepatectomy.
2. Fujii K, et al. EWffects of remimazolam vs. desflurane anesthesia on arterial oxygenation during one-ling ventilation.
3. Nishibata M, et al. Tmem45b-expressing peripheral sensory neurons are selectively  involved in mechanical hyperalgesia cased by inflammation or tissue injury.
4. Yoshida A, et al. Does the use of MaCgrath Mac reduce the incidence of postoperative hoarseness?: A retrospective observational study.
5. Sunami S, et al. Regional cerebral tissue oxygen saturation in a patient with alkaptonuria could be measured by ForeSight but not with INVOS 5100

2023/10/17 18:43